My name is XXX and I am from Michigan (U.S.A). I'm not a rich man and have saved for almost 2yrs to have enough to buy an Oscilloscope. Seeing EEVblogs review of the SDS1202X made me feel good about my inquiry into this (your) brand of Siglent. I then watched another video and saw you had taken the time to visit EEVblog. It for one says a lot to take the time and money to visit, but one statement you made really touched me as new customer to your products.
When you said "... it's important to provide every engineer a professional testing environment.." and "... you'll have the best cost performance..." it won me over to pick your company to buy my first Oscilloscope from. Today I purchased the SDS1202X- S model from a recommended distributor from your "" site. I've waited 2yrs, I can't wait for it to arrive!